Former Director of National Intelligence, John Ratcliffe, reveals specific intelligence on China’s plan to interfere in 2020 election to help Joe Biden and their intentions to do it again in 2024. Watch the video for more details.

In an exclusive interview with Maria Bartiromo on Sunday Morning Futures, former Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe revealed shocking information about China’s interference in the 2020 presidential election. Ratcliffe asserted that Russia, China, and Iran all favored a Biden presidency and have only grown stronger since Joe Biden assumed office.

In a recent declassified report from the National Intelligence Council, it was confirmed that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) had intensified its operations during President Biden’s tenure. The report indicates that the CCP felt they could operate more freely during the midterms and had less fear of retaliation from the current administration.

Bartiromo asked Ratcliffe if China was preparing to interfere in the 2024 elections to which he responded affirmatively. He stated that the intelligence community had withdrawn its previous assessment that China had remained passive in 2020. Ratcliffe had previously expressed that specific intelligence had been gathered about China’s plan to interfere in the 2020 election to help Joe Biden win and undermine President Trump’s re-election.

The report now acknowledges that China did indeed interfere for the purpose of aiding Biden and hindering Trump. Ratcliffe explained that China saw Biden as a more pro-China candidate who would be weaker as a Commander in Chief. He pointed out that China’s expectations have been met, as Biden has been less confrontational with China on various issues.

Ratcliffe also addressed the meeting between Biden and Xi Jinping, where Xi reportedly told Biden that China would take Taiwan, expecting no resistance from the US. Ratcliffe criticized the Biden administration for not confronting China on a range of issues, which has led China to view Biden as the ideal candidate for the next four years.

Highlighting the intensified efforts by China, Ratcliffe mentioned the deployment of cyber weapons to influence election infrastructure, engaging in social media campaigns, and other measures to help Biden remain in office. He emphasized that everything has gone well for China, while it has gone poorly for the US from a foreign policy perspective.

The revelations from Ratcliffe’s interview with Bartiromo paint a concerning picture of China’s intentions and actions to influence US elections. The report from the National Intelligence Council confirms fears that China is actively seeking to manipulate American politics to further its own interests.

The public deserves to be informed about the extent of foreign interference in democratic processes, and it is crucial for the US government to take concrete steps to safeguard the integrity of future elections against such malign influence. Ratcliffe’s insights serve as a timely warning and a call to action for policymakers and law enforcement to address this threat effectively. The implications of China’s meddling in US elections are far-reaching and demand a robust and coordinated response to protect the nation’s democratic institutions.


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