Former Federal Prosecutor Analyzes Latest Hunter Biden Indictment

The latest federal indictment against Hunter Biden has been broken down by former federal prosecutor Will Scharf. On Thursday, the Justice Department filed a 9-count indictment against Hunter Biden in the Central District of California, including charges of tax evasion, failure to file/pay taxes, and false/fraudulent tax return.

Special Counsel David Weiss handed down the new indictment after a previously negotiated plea deal on tax charges fell apart over the summer. The investigation into Hunter Biden by David Weiss is currently ongoing.

The indictment outlines a four-year scheme by Hunter Biden to avoid over $1.4 million in tax obligations between 2016 and 2019, and to file false returns. It also details his total gross income received individually, totaling more than $7 million between 2016 and October 15, 2020. This included substantial financial support to fund his extravagant lifestyle, which included expenses on drugs, escorts, luxury hotels, rental properties, exotic cars, clothing, and personal items.

The indictment also revealed Hunter Biden’s spending habits, which included millions of dollars on various women, drugs and rehab, ‘adult entertainment,’ fancy restaurants, and more. If convicted, Hunter Biden faces up to 17 years in prison.

Former federal prosecutor Will Scharf commented on the indictment, stating that Hunter Biden is in a lot of trouble and is facing four counts of willfully failing to pay his taxes, two counts of failing to file a tax return, and other charges related to tax evasion and filing false and fraudulent tax forms.

Scharf also mentioned Hunter Biden’s attempt to hide his money by claiming fake business expenses, including payments for hotel rooms turned into crack dens, payoffs for his girlfriends, strippers, escorts, luxury cars, a sex club membership, porn sites, and even trying to claim his daughter’s law school tuition as business-related legal expenses. Scharf suggested that if convicted, Hunter Biden should spend at least 4 to 5 years in prison.

Overall, the new indictment is a serious legal setback for Hunter Biden, and the ongoing investigation into his financial dealings is expected to continue in the coming months.


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