Former Nashville Mayor Megan Barry Announces Run for Congress Amid Controversy

Former Nashville Mayor Megan Barry is making her comeback in the political world. She has officially announced her candidacy for Congress, challenging incumbent Republican U.S. Representative Mark Green for one of three seats representing Nashville and surrounding areas. This move comes after the controversy that led to her resignation in 2018 following a scandal involving the use of city funds for an extramarital affair and felony theft plea.

Addressing her past, Ms. Barry did not shy away from her mistakes in her announcement video, highlighting the personal tragedies and professional setbacks she has faced and the lessons she has learned from them along the way. She did not go into detail on the scandal but mentioned the loss of her son to a drug overdose as a reason for her entry back into the political arena.

Ms. Barry criticized the “total dysfunction in Congress” and the lack of impact on the lives of Tennessee families. She specifically called out the incumbent Representative Green for his perceived inaction on various important issues such as the opioid crisis and violence in schools. Her appeal to her potential constituents is centered around her desire to make a meaningful difference.

Running in one of the newly drawn congressional districts, Ms. Barry is challenging herself to secure the Democratic nomination in an area that now encompasses Nashville and 13 Republican-leaning counties. The redistricting dispute won’t be heard until after the 2024 election, according to The Associated Press.

Ms. Barry’s campaign website emphasizes her desire to fix the economy and government for everyone and to tackle family issues, particularly the opioid crisis. She still has a staunch opponent in Mr. Green, who is positioning himself as a champion for Tennesseans.

Ms. Barry’s political journey isn’t without its controversies. She resigned as part of a plea deal and pleaded guilty to felony theft related to the affair with her police bodyguard. However, she has fulfilled her plea agreement, and her record is now expunged.

Throughout her career, Ms. Barry championed public transportation and led a campaign to bring major league soccer to Nashville. Since leaving office, she has used her platform to raise awareness about substance use disorder, advocating for better support systems.

The former mayor’s announcement has stirred up mixed emotions but also reflects her determination to re-enter the political realm. Her campaign emphasizes moving forward from past mistakes and focusing on what she can do next to contribute positively. For Ms. Barry, the ultimate motivation is the desire to make a difference for the people of Tennessee.


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