Georgia Elections Board Investigating 17,000 Missing Ballot Images from 2020 Presidential Election

Georgia State Board of Elections (SEB) was set to disclose the results of investigation (SEB2023-25) at its meeting this week, but it was later reported that the investigation has been reclassified as “continued” and will not be discussed at this week’s meetings. The case is related to the 2020 Election and has been labeled as “violations found”.

The complaint for Fulton County specifically highlighted 3125 duplicate ballot counts and 17,852 votes counted without corresponding ballot images, resulting in the creation of investigation SEB2023-25. Initially categorized as “violations found,” the results of this investigation were to be presented to the SEB next week. However, the SEB yesterday reported that the investigation has been continued and will not be discussed at this week’s SEB meeting.

Corrupt actors in Georgia appear to be postponing the reporting of this case to prevent the release of more evidence of corrupt results and activities in the 2020 Georgia Election. This move could potentially help President Trump and others who are facing indictments from Fulton County.

In addition, over 140,000 ballots in Georgia have not been audited due to the actions of the Secretary of State’s office. These ballots, which reportedly looked identical and were included in the election counting, have been blocked for review in the courts since the 2020 election. Despite a ruling by the Georgia Supreme Court allowing citizens in the state to review these ballots, the Secretary of State and the courts are preventing this from happening.

Another case, SEBBI2023-001, set up to investigate corrupt Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, remains on the agenda and has not yet been “continued” or “cancelled.” However, it has been largely ignored to date. Given the actions of corrupt leaders in the state so far, it is likely that the case will be cancelled or given to a corrupt team to “investigate.”

It is evident that Georgia state leaders are withholding information to prevent baseless court cases against President Trump and others from presenting the truth during trial. The move to delay and ignore investigations raises questions about the integrity of the election process and the efforts to uncover any irregularities. This could have far-reaching implications on the future elections and the democratic process in the state.


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