Haley Says Be Honest With Teenagers About the Need to Ban TikTok

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GOP presidential hopeful Nikki Haley believes honesty is the best policy when explaining the need for a TikTok ban to teenagers.
In a Nov. 20 interview with “Fox News,” the former South Carolina governor said she thinks a ban on TikTok is still sorely needed, but when the time comes, teenagers will require a truthful explanation as to why it’s important.
The social media app has proven especially popular with younger generations. According to estimates, the United States has the largest TikTok audience at over 135 million, and nearly half of those users are under 30.
“I think what we need to do is we need to be honest with them, you know, you don’t tell them this is what we’re going to do and not explain why,” Ms. Haley said….


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