Hamas Rejects Egyptian Peace Deal as IDF Destroys Underground HQ and Kills Terrorists in 2 UN Schools

Israeli soldiers went on a mission to eradicate the underground headquarters of Hamas in Gaza City recently. As they advanced against the Daraj-Tuffah battalion, troops came across a Hamas militant carrying an RPG. In order to protect themselves, the soldiers called in an airstrike from the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF). A drone successfully struck and killed the Hamas operative, eliminating the threat.
The IDF’s Nahal Brigade succeeded in their operation to completely dismantle the underground headquarters of Hamas, located in Jabalia. During the mission, the bodies of five hostages were discovered at the site. The subterranean tunnel network was connected to the residence of Hamas commander Ahmed Ahandor, who had been killed last month. Weapons, a production infrastructure, and emergency rooms were among the findings within the underground network.
Israeli forces destroyed more than just the hidden headquarters. They also eliminated terrorists hiding within the Sheikh Radwan area of Gaza City. In the underground tunnel network, dozens of explosive devices were uncovered, along with AK-47 rifles and 15 suicide belts.
The IDF conducted raids at two United Nations schools, where Hamas members were hiding and fighting Israeli soldiers. Both schools contained weapons, explosives, and other materials for terrorist activities. A significant number of Hamas and Islamic Jihad members were apprehended as a result of this undertaking.
UNRWA sacks were also found containing large quantities of munitions. This discovery raises questions about the possible complicity of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) in supporting the militant forces in Gaza. Earlier this month, Israeli soldiers had found over 100 rockets hidden in UNRWA boxes in a home in northern Gaza.
Despite the Israeli military taking down thousands of Hamas fighters, Yahya Sinwar, the leader of the terrorist organization, maintains that they are “crushing” the Israel Defense Forces (IDF). His assertions about the number of Israeli troops killed or wounded have been found to be exaggerated, and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu recently visited the front lines, emphasizing the ongoing fight against Hamas.


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