Holiday Trips in Japan See Increased Budgets Among Travelers for New Year’s

It looks like people are ready to spend more on domestic travel during the upcoming New Year’s holiday, as a recent survey by research firm Intage reveals a 30% increase in the average budget. According to the survey, the average budget for domestic travel has risen to \45,235, up from last year’s figures.

It seems that people are eager to go all out and make the most of their holiday season this year, as the increased budget indicates a willingness to splurge on travel experiences. This rise in spending could also be a result of pent-up demand after months of travel restrictions and lockdowns due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The survey data also suggests that people have a strong desire to explore new destinations and indulge in unique travel experiences. With the increase in budget for domestic travel, it’s clear that people are looking to make the most of their holiday season and create lasting memories.

The survey findings are particularly significant for the travel and tourism industry, as it signifies a potential increase in demand for domestic travel during the holiday season. With people willing to spend more on travel experiences, businesses in the hospitality and tourism sectors have an opportunity to capitalize on this trend and attract more customers.

Additionally, the increase in average budget for domestic travel indicates a shift in consumer behavior, with people prioritizing experiences and travel opportunities. This could have a positive impact on the overall economy, as increased spending on travel and leisure activities can stimulate economic growth and support businesses in the tourism sector.

Moreover, the survey findings suggest that people are eager to embrace the holiday spirit and make the most of their time off by exploring new destinations and engaging in leisure activities. This heightened interest in domestic travel presents an opportunity for businesses to cater to the demand for unique travel experiences and create tailored offerings for customers.

Overall, the survey by Intage reflects a positive outlook for the domestic travel industry during the upcoming New Year’s holiday season. With people willing to spend more on travel experiences, businesses in the travel and tourism sector have an opportunity to capture a larger market share and drive economic growth.

As the holiday season approaches, it will be interesting to see how businesses in the travel and tourism sector respond to this increased demand for domestic travel. With the average budget for domestic travel on the rise, there is potential for businesses to leverage this trend and offer tailored experiences to cater to the evolving preferences of travelers.


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