IDF uncovers terror tunnels and rocket launchers at Gaza university

Al-Azhar University, known as a training facility for Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood, received funding from the US government and the EU. Recently, IDF troops discovered an extensive military infrastructure and weapons at the campus. It was previously used by Hamas to build and store Qassam rockets, which were later destroyed in IAF air strikes.

In addition to the military equipment found on the university campus, IDF ground forces also uncovered terror tunnels and weapons caches. One terror tunnel was found running from the university yard to a school 1 kilometer away. The cache included explosives, rockets, and other weapons. The troops also raided a Hamas observation control room in the area of the Shati Hospital, where they found communication devices and cameras.

Al-Azhar University has had ties with various international programs and organizations. The Fulbright Program has funded at least a dozen scholars from the university, allowing them to travel to the United States. The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) also granted the university significant funds in 2015. Despite the ties and funding, the university was used for terrorist activities against IDF forces.

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) has criticized the IDF’s actions against the university, calling it part of a “genocidal campaign.” However, their stance has raised concerns in light of the discoveries made by IDF troops. The White House has removed mention of CAIR from its website and condemned the organization’s antisemitic statements.

In response to the discoveries and growing concerns about terror activities, the White House emphasized the need to call out antisemitism and acknowledged the attacks committed by Hamas. The White House is committed to addressing the pain and suffering caused by Hamas, including the abduction of innocent people.

As the IDF continues its efforts to uncover and dismantle terror infrastructure, the discoveries at Al-Azhar University have raised international concerns and prompted a reevaluation of the university’s ties and funding sources. The global community is closely monitoring the situation to ensure that steps are taken to prevent future exploitation of educational institutions for terrorist activities.

Overall, the uncovering of weapons and terror tunnels at Al-Azhar University has highlighted the need for increased vigilance and action against terrorist organizations, as well as a reassessment of international funding provided to educational institutions in areas of conflict. The IDF’s efforts have shed light on the realities of the situation, prompting a stronger stance against terrorism and a recommitment to combating antisemitism.


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