Illegal Aliens Caught on Camera Crossing Open US Border with Rifles

Biden’s America: Illegal Aliens Bring Firearms Across Open Border
By [Author]

In a shocking turn of events, Fox News correspondent Griff Jenkins released images this week, showing illegal aliens walking across the open US border while carrying rifles. Jenkins shared these photos on Twitter, highlighting the alarming situation of “got-aways” crossing the border with firearms. This revelation has raised concerns about the safety and security of American citizens.

Jenkins continued to share his findings on Twitter, drawing attention to the exploitation of Border Patrol agents, who are forced to leave miles of open border unattended. He emphasized the impact of this unprecedented surge of armed individuals crossing into the US without any enforcement to stop them. The images and reports have sparked fear and outrage among the public.

Not only are armed individuals crossing the open border, but there’s also been a disturbing discovery of illegal immigrant sex offenders entering the USA. ICE revealed that they have arrested over two dozen individuals with convictions for child sex crimes in a recent two-day operation in Los Angeles. This revelation has added to the growing concerns about the dangers lurking across the open US border.

Adding to the already dire situation, reports have emerged about another caravan of 5,000 migrants heading towards the open border. This influx of migrants, combined with the alarming images of armed individuals and reports of sex offenders crossing the border, has fueled concerns about the consequences of these unchecked flows of people into the US.

Many are pointing fingers at President Joe Biden, accusing him of contributing to the destruction of America. The open border has become a symbol of government negligence and the failure to protect the country’s citizens. There’s a growing sentiment that the purposeful inaction is leading to the deliberate destruction of the nation.

As the situation continues to escalate, US Customs and Border Protection revealed that 242,418 encounters occurred at the southern border in November, marking the highest number on record. What’s even more alarming is that 17 individuals on the Terror Screening Database/FBI’s Terror Watch List were among those encountered, bringing the total to 30 for the fiscal year.

To further exacerbate the concerns, US agents discovered 10 Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) at the border last week. This chilling revelation has added to the urgency of the situation at the open US border and has raised questions about the government’s ability to address these security threats effectively.

In the face of these troubling events, it has become increasingly clear that the situation at the open US border is reaching critical levels. The continued influx of armed individuals, sex offenders, and other potential threats poses a significant risk to the safety and security of the country. As the Biden administration grapples with this unfolding crisis, the American public remains deeply concerned about the future of their nation.


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