Internal Document From IBM Criticizes White People, Claims ‘Only White People Can Be Racist’ (VIDEO)

A shocking revelation has emerged from inside IBM’s Red Hat, as leaked documents obtained by James O’Keefe have revealed disturbing statements that appear to disparage white people. O’Keefe Media Group released a leaked video of IBM CEO Arvind Krishna admitting to using coercion to fire people and take away their bonuses unless they discriminate in the hiring process. In the leaked video, Krishna can be heard discussing the need to increase the percentage of Hispanics hired in order to receive a bonus, and threatening to penalize executives who do not hire a specific demographic.

The leaked video further exposes Krishna’s comments about the need to increase the representation of blacks in the workforce, while suggesting that Asians are not considered an underrepresented minority in the tech industry. The chairman of Red Hat, a subsidiary of IBM, Paul Cormier, is also heard in the leaked recording discussing the termination of employees who were unwilling to engage in racial discrimination through hiring and promotion. These revelations have raised serious concerns, particularly in light of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, which prohibits employers from discriminating on the basis of race in the workplace.

In response to the release of the insider tapes by O’Keefe Media Group, Arvind Krishna went on the defensive during an ALL STAFF CALL, lashing out at James O’Keefe and labeling the leaked tapes as a “large media firestorm.” However, the controversy did not end there. A new bombshell has emerged from within IBM’s Red Hat in the form of an internal document that has been described as resembling a religious text. This document, known as the “Allyship Commandments,” lays out 10 race-based rules that employees are expected to adhere to.

One of the commandments shockingly states that “only white people can be racist,” while another declares that “WHITE people are responsible for dismantling racism.” The document features inflammatory statements such as “Whiteness constructs the game, hides the rules, then rigs the game, over and over again.” These revelations have sparked outrage and condemnation, with many questioning the discriminatory nature and implications of such guidelines.

The leaked video and internal documents have ignited a firestorm of controversy and raised serious questions about the culture and practices within IBM and its subsidiaries. The company is now facing scrutiny and calls for accountability as the disturbing revelations continue to unfold. It remains to be seen how IBM and its leadership will address these troubling allegations and what actions will be taken in response to the leaked recordings and internal documents. This latest development has sent shockwaves through the tech industry, highlighting the ongoing challenges and complexities surrounding diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts in the corporate world.


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