Jack Smith Adds DC Lawyer from Mueller’s Investigation to Special Counsel Team as Trump Responds Quietly

Jack Smith, the special counsel leading the efforts to prosecute former President Trump, has discreetly enlisted the help of Michael Dreeben, a prominent Washington, D.C. lawyer, in a move that has raised eyebrows. Dreeben is no stranger to high-profile cases, having been part of Robert Mueller’s team that investigated Trump in connection with the alleged Russia collusion.

What stands out about Dreeben is his extensive experience arguing cases before the U.S. Supreme Court, having presented over 100 cases in front of the highest court in the land. This makes him a formidable addition to Smith’s legal team as they gear up for a potentially pivotal battle before the U.S. Supreme Court.

In contrast, Trump has brought in three Missouri-based lawyers to represent him, none of whom have a track record of arguing cases before the Supreme Court. This places Trump’s legal team at a potential disadvantage in terms of familiarity with the court’s dynamics and procedures.

Smith, in a bold move, has sought the intervention of the U.S. Supreme Court to address Trump’s claims of immunity from federal prosecution for alleged offenses committed during his presidency. This move comes in the wake of four counts being brought against Trump in connection with the January 6 incident in Washington, D.C.

Trump’s legal team has argued that as a former president, he is immune from federal prosecution for offenses allegedly committed while in office. However, Smith has bypassed the appellate court and directly approached the U.S. Supreme Court to address these immunity claims as he continues to press forward with the case.

In response to Dreeben’s addition to Smith’s team, Trump took to the Truth Social platform to launch a scathing attack. He referred to Smith as a “lowlife Prosecutor” and accused him of being part of a coordinated effort to tarnish his reputation and interfere in the election. Trump also took aim at Dreeben, whom he claims to have defeated on three occasions in the past.

It is evident that the legal battle between Smith and Trump is heating up as both sides gear up for what promises to be a decisive legal showdown. With experienced legal heavyweights on both sides, the stage is set for an intense and potentially protracted legal battle that could have far-reaching implications for Trump’s political future.


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