Kari Lake Surges Ahead in Arizona Senate General Election Poll

Republican candidate Kari Lake has surged ahead in the latest poll for the Arizona U.S. Senate race, giving her a noteworthy lead over her potential Democratic and independent opponents.

According to the VCreek/AMG poll released by Americas PAC, Lake currently holds 41 percent support, with Democratic front-runner Rep. Ruben Gallego trailing at 35 percent and independent Sen. Kyrsten Sinema at 16 percent. The poll, conducted from Dec. 1 to 8, surveyed 694 likely voters with a margin of error of +/- 3.71 percent.

While Sinema has not confirmed if she will run for re-election, her political team has indicated the possibility. Americas PAC, an independent expenditure committee supporting GOP candidates, commissioned the poll, providing insights into the current state of the Senate race.

Earlier polling had consistently shown Gallego in the lead, with a margin usually ranging between 3 and 6 percentage points. However, Lake’s recent surge in popularity has reversed this trend, as seen in the VCreek/AMG poll and backed by an independent National Research poll released in October, where Lake held a 4 percent lead in a three-way contest.

Lake, a former Phoenix news anchor and the 2022 GOP nominee for governor, appears to be the clear favorite in the Republican U.S. Senate primary. The most recent poll conducted in late October positioned her ahead of Pinal County Sheriff Mark Lamb by a significant margin of 40 to 14 percent, suggesting strong support within her party.

During a recent appearance on Fox Business Network, host Larry Kudlow highlighted Lake’s lead over Gallego in the VCreek/AMG poll. When asked about the key issues in the Senate race, Lake emphasized border security and economic policies as top concerns for Arizona families, stating the need to restore a sense of security and stability.

Expressing criticism of the current administration’s policies, Lake bemoaned the state of the economy and urged a return to policies that were more favorable to Arizona. She also expressed a wish for President Joe Biden to adopt some of former President Donald Trump’s policies and condemned Gallego and Sinema for supporting policies that she believes have been detrimental to the nation.

Highlighting Gallego’s and Sinema’s voting records in alignment with Biden, Lake criticized the Democratic leadership for the economic challenges, including inflation, attributing these issues to their policies. With a strong stance against the current administration’s approach, Lake emphasized the need for new leadership to address the country’s economic woes.

The latest poll results suggest a significant shift in the dynamics of the Arizona U.S. Senate race. As Lake continues to gain traction and secure her position as the Republican front-runner, the stage is set for a competitive and closely watched election in the state.

This coverage was originally written by The Western Journal.


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