Lawmakers Urge Extension of Temporary Protected Status for Venezuelans and Expansion of Venezuelan Adjustment Act

Congress members Darren Soto and Debbie Wasserman Schultz, alongside several other lawmakers, took the stand to discuss existing programs for Venezuelans and the Venezuelan Adjustment Act in a press conference yesterday. The speakers emphasized the importance of supporting Venezuelan refugees and urged the Biden administration to extend Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for eligible Venezuelans.

The Venezuelan Adjustment Act, introduced in 2019 by Soto, aims to streamline the asylum process for Venezuelan nationals, who are facing a humanitarian crisis back home. The bill would grant permanent residency to eligible individuals, as well as provide financial assistance and resources to help them integrate into American society. Wasserman Schultz spoke in favor of expanding the act to include more refugees, as well as to lift restrictions on their work permits and Social Security benefits.

The lawmakers also applauded the existing programs and services currently available to Venezuelans in the United States, including the Deferred Enforced Departure (DED) program, which provides temporary relief from deportation, and humanitarian aid and assistance programs from organizations like the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and the International Organization for Migration.

Congress members also discussed the need for continued support for international efforts to address the crisis in Venezuela, including sanctions against the Maduro regime. Soto called on the Biden administration to provide additional aid to help the country’s political and economic recovery, stating, “We must work together to promote peace and democracy in Venezuela and ensure the protection of its citizens.”

As the speakers explained, the situation in Venezuela is dire, with widespread poverty, food and medicine shortages, and political instability. Millions of Venezuelans have fled the country in search of a better life, leading to a major refugee crisis in the region. The lawmakers stressed that the United States plays a critical role in addressing this issue and providing relief to those affected.

The press conference was part of a broader effort by Congress to raise awareness and encourage action on behalf of Venezuelan refugees. Similar initiatives have been taken in recent months, including a letter signed by 62 members of Congress urging the Biden administration to extend TPS to eligible Venezuelans and a bipartisan resolution condemning the abuses of the Maduro regime.

Overall, the lawmakers expressed a strong commitment to supporting Venezuelan refugees and working towards a brighter future for the country. As Soto put it, “We stand in solidarity with the Venezuelan people and will continue to work to ensure they have access to the resources and support they need to rebuild their lives.


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