Megyn Kelly discloses details of conversation with Chris Christie during debate commercial break

GOP debate moderator Megyn Kelly has unveiled a behind-the-scenes confrontation with Chris Christie during a commercial break, shedding light on the tensions that unfolded during the debate.

During SiriusXM’s “The Megyn Kelly Show,” Kelly confirmed that Christie was visibly upset during the commercial break of the debate. She revealed that Christie was frustrated by the lack of questions directed at him, expressing his dissatisfaction to her. A viral video captured the encounter, sparking widespread speculation about the nature of the interaction.

Kelly clarified that the exchange was not off the record, and Christie voiced his frustration at not receiving adequate speaking opportunities during the debate. He expressed his displeasure at being excluded from the previous debate and felt that he had not been given the chance to speak.

While addressing the incident, Kelly acknowledged Christie’s grievances and the imbalance in question distribution among candidates. Despite his lower polling numbers, she emphasized that Christie received a substantial amount of airtime during the debate.

Throughout the broadcast, it became evident that Christie’s frustration stemmed from the perceived lack of question allocation and speaking time. Kelly highlighted the efforts to provide him with a fair platform to address relevant issues, particularly in light of his polling numbers.

Overall, the revelation offered insight into the internal dynamics of the debate and the challenges of managing candidate participation and question distribution. Kelly’s candid disclosure provided valuable context and transparency regarding the events that transpired during the Republican debate.


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