Morris Chang: The Visionary Who Revolutionized the Semiconductor Industry

id5535677 GettyImages 1788613658 - The Japan Weeknd Magazine
At the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Summit in San Francisco from Nov. 11–17, amidst a gathering of global leaders, one figure stood out, not for his political clout but for his monumental contribution to the tech world: Morris Chang, Taiwan’s delegate and the founder of TSMC (Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company).
The eminent tech leader was chosen as Taiwan’s special envoy to the annual forum to promote trade, investment, and economic cooperation. It was the seventh time that Mr. Chang had represented Taiwan at APEC.
Mr. Chang, at 92, commanded respect and attention, as many of the international leaders at the summit sought his insights on semiconductor issues, a testament to TSMC’s global dominance and his status as the godfather of Taiwan’s semiconductor industry….


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