Taiwanese President Emphasizes Stronger Taiwan-Japan Friendship in Meeting with Abe’s Widow

Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen highlighted the significance of deepening friendship between Taiwan and Japan during a meeting with Akie Abe, the widow of former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, in Taipei. President Tsai expressed gratitude for the late Japanese leader’s supportive stance, particularly his acknowledgment that any crisis involving Taiwan would also affect Japan. This position demonstrated Shinzo Abe’s commitment to prioritizing Taiwan. Akie Abe, who is currently visiting Taiwan, expressed her heartfelt belief that her husband’s spirit was present during the visit, further underscoring the profound bond between Taiwan and Japan. In tribute to Shinzo Abe’s wishes, Akie Abe paid respects at a military cemetery in New Taipei dedicated to former Taiwanese President Lee Teng-hui (1923-2020), who held a deep affinity for Japan. It is important to note that Shinzo Abe tragically lost his life on July 8, 2022, when he was fatally shot during an election campaign speech in western Japan.

Taiwan’s Gratitude for Shinzo Abe’s Support

President Tsai Ing-wen expressed Taiwan’s sincere appreciation for the unwavering support of the late Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. She commended his steadfast belief that any threat or crisis affecting Taiwan would be tantamount to an emergency for Japan. This profound commitment underscored the significance of Taiwan’s welfare and solidified the foundation of friendship between the two nations. President Tsai acknowledged that Shinzo Abe’s position elevated the importance of Taiwan in Japan’s strategic considerations.

Akie Abe’s Visit: A Testament to Taiwan-Japan Friendship

Akie Abe, the widow of former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, embarked on a four-day visit to Taiwan, which serves as a testament to the deep bond and enduring friendship shared between Taiwan and Japan. During her stay, she conveyed her heartfelt conviction that her husband’s spirit was present, symbolizing the enduring connection between the two nations. Akie Abe’s visit not only commemorated the life and achievements of her husband but also celebrated the profound friendship that exists between Taiwan and Japan.

Honoring the Legacy of Lee Teng-hui

In fulfillment of Shinzo Abe’s wishes, Akie Abe paid tribute to former Taiwanese President Lee Teng-hui during her visit to a military cemetery in New Taipei. Lee Teng-hui, who held the presidency from 1988 to 2000, had a deep affinity for Japan and played a pivotal role in fostering closer ties between Taiwan and Japan. Akie Abe’s act of homage at the military cemetery served as a poignant gesture, embodying the enduring respect and appreciation for Lee Teng-hui’s contributions to Taiwan-Japan relations.

Remembering Shinzo Abe’s Tragic Loss

The legacy of Shinzo Abe, a prominent figure in Japanese politics, was tragically cut short on July 8, 2022, when he was fatally shot during an election campaign speech in western Japan. His untimely passing left a void in both the domestic and international political landscape. Shinzo Abe’s dedication to Japan’s relations with Taiwan, including his belief in the critical importance of Taiwan’s security, will forever be remembered.

The meeting between Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen and Akie Abe, the widow of former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, served as a reaffirmation of the enduring friendship and solidarity between Taiwan and Japan. The sincere appreciation expressed by President Tsai and the commemorative visits conducted by Akie Abe underscored the deep-rooted connection between the two nations. Despite the tragic loss of Shinzo Abe, his vision for a strong Taiwan-Japan bond continues to resonate, fostering an unwavering commitment to further strengthen and nurture this valued relationship.



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