New York City Abe Lincoln Statue Vandalized with Communist Symbol in Pro-Palestinian Protest

The bustling streets of New York City were disrupted once again on Saturday by Palestinian protestors. As millions of Americans were out shopping for last-minute holiday gifts on “Super Saturday,” the Pro-Hamas crowd made sure to make their presence known, vowing to disrupt the normalcy of the day in light of the ongoing conflict in the Middle East.

The protestors took to the streets, brandishing cut-outs of President Joe Biden and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, which were covered in what appeared to be blood. Their intention was clear: to draw attention to what they perceive as a genocide in Palestine and to disrupt the holiday shopping experience for New Yorkers.

In an act of vandalism that has sparked outrage, the Pro-Hamas crowd defaced a statue of Abraham Lincoln with a communist symbol. The message they sought to convey was one of anti-Israel sentiment and a rejection of communism in America. This display of destruction and political messaging has raised questions about the methods and goals of the Palestinian protest movement.

The juxtaposition of their actions with their criticism of the MAGA movement has also sparked controversy. The protestors’ decision to deface a symbol of American history with a communist emblem while denouncing perceived threats to the country raises questions about the consistency and intentions of their activism.

As tensions continue to simmer in the ongoing conflict, the actions of the Pro-Palestinian protestors in New York City have not gone unnoticed. Their disruption of the holiday shopping experience, coupled with their defacement of a historical statue, has reignited discussions about the methods and goals of the Palestinian protest movement. Whether their actions will lead to greater understanding or further division remains to be seen.


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