Nonfiction Writers Sue OpenAI, Microsoft for Allegedly Using Their Books to Train ChatGPT

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Microsoft and artificial intelligence (AI) company OpenAI are being sued by nonfiction authors who allege the tech companies trained the ChatGPT tool to copy their work without consent.
Microsoft and OpenAI announced a partnership earlier this year, following several years of investment in the AI company by Microsoft.
In the Nov. 21 documents filed in a Manhattan federal court, the lead plaintiff in the lawsuit, author Julian Sancton, alleges he and thousands of other nonfiction authors did not receive any compensation for their works being copied by the AI tool.
The lawsuit alleges both Microsoft and OpenAI collaborated closely on creating and using their AI-powered products, such as ChatGPT, to recognize and process user text inputs and “generate text that has been calibrated to mimic a human written response.”…


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