Ohio’s New Social Media Law to Protect Children Goes into Effect in 2024

Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost has announced a new state law that will require social media operators to obtain parental consent before allowing children under the age of 16 to create accounts. The Parental Notification by Social Media Operators Act is set to take effect on January 15, and it has been designed to give parents more control over their children’s online activities.

The legislation was approved by Ohio’s General Assembly in July, and Attorney General Yost emphasized the importance of this law in a press release issued on December 27. He stated that the goal of the law is to empower parents and ensure that they are involved in the decision-making process when it comes to their children’s use of social media.

According to Yost, this new law is intended to give parents the necessary tools to protect their children from potential risks and dangers associated with social media. He also emphasized that the process for resolving any issues related to the implementation of the law will be similar to other consumer complaints, and his office will work to address any concerns raised by the public.

The Parental Notification by Social Media Operators Act reflects a growing recognition of the need to safeguard young users on social media platforms. With concerns about online safety and the potential negative impact of excessive screen time on children’s well-being, there has been a heightened focus on implementing measures that can help parents and guardians ensure a safe and balanced online experience for their children.

Social media has become an integral part of modern life, and its influence on young people cannot be underestimated. With children gaining access to social media at increasingly younger ages, there are growing concerns about exposure to inappropriate content, cyberbullying, and potential exploitation by malicious individuals who may use these platforms to target vulnerable users.

By requiring parental consent for children under 16 to create social media accounts, Ohio’s new law seeks to address these concerns and provide parents with an opportunity to play a more active role in monitoring and guiding their children’s use of social media. This move has been welcomed by many as a positive step towards promoting a safer and more responsible online environment for young users.

As Ohio prepares for the implementation of this new law, it is expected that social media operators will need to adapt their policies and procedures to comply with the requirement for parental consent. This may involve incorporating new features and mechanisms that facilitate the verification of parental consent and ensure that children are not able to create accounts without the necessary authorization.

Overall, the introduction of the Parental Notification by Social Media Operators Act in Ohio represents a significant development in the ongoing efforts to address the challenges associated with children’s use of social media. It reflects a commitment to prioritizing the safety and well-being of young users while also recognizing the important role that parents can play in guiding their children’s online experiences.


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