One Month Until Iowa Caucuses: Trump’s Competitors Prepare to Make Their Move

With one month to go until the Republican Party’s crucial Iowa caucuses and five weeks until the first presidential primary in New Hampshire, GOP candidates are campaigning hard. The latest Iowa poll shows former President Donald Trump maintains a strong lead.

On Dec. 14, Iowa State University and Civiqs released a poll stating most of the 438 Iowa respondents would choose President Trump as their top candidate if they caucused that day. Behind him, 17% of likely caucusgoers prefer Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis.

Most of the Republican candidates are on the campaign trail. The Iowa State poll results are similar to the Selzer & Co. poll released on Dec. 11, showing most of the respondents support President Trump.

Tim Hagle, associate professor in the Department of Political Science at the University of Iowa, believes there’s potential for movement in the candidate rankings before the caucuses. In New Hampshire, the latest polling indicates that President Trump leads, but the other candidates are closer behind.

President Trump will visit three states over four days, starting on Saturday, with appearances in New Hampshire, Iowa, and Nevada. To expand his reach, the Trump campaign is enlisting surrogates to appear in Iowa as well.

Nikki Haley plans a week-long campaign event in Iowa, which will start on Dec. 17. Ron DeSantis will campaign with his wife between Dec. 15 to Dec. 21. Vivek Ramaswamy is planning at least 30 stops in Iowa between Dec. 15 and Dec. 22. Chris Christie’s campaign plans two events in New Hampshire next week.

The presidential campaign has intensified as the candidates scramble to consolidate their base before the critical Iowa caucuses and the New Hampshire primary. The Republican contest is heating up as the weeks to the caucuses narrow down, and each candidate is looking to secure strong support in these crucial states.

The polls are keeping everyone on their toes as the dynamics of the race shift. Each candidate is trying to muster support in Iowa and New Hampshire. The coming weeks will be critical for each candidate and the outcome of these primary elections could determine the future trajectory of the Republican campaign.

As the candidates crisscross these states, they are leaving no stone unturned to drum up support from voters. They are holding town halls, public events, and appearances to connect with the public and make their case for the presidency. The race is getting more intense, and the candidates are fully engaged in winning voters’ hearts and minds.

Despite the ongoing pandemic challenges, the campaign is in full swing, and the countdown to the Iowa caucuses and New Hampshire primary is well underway. The results of these will set the tone for the rest of the presidential campaign and provide momentum to the winning candidates.


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