Former President Donald Trump has officially endorsed Abraham Hamadeh for the US Congress in Arizona’s 8th District. Trump praised Hamadeh’s strong stance on various critical issues, such as border security, military and veteran support, crime reduction, tax cuts, election integrity, and the protection of the Second Amendment.

In a move that sent shockwaves through Arizona’s political landscape, GOP Representative Lesko announced her retirement plans during the October elections for a new House Speaker, leading to an opening in the congressional seat. Immediately following Lesko’s announcement, Kari Lake, a prominent figure, urged Hamadeh to step up and run for Congress, describing him as “one of the toughest in Arizona.”

On Friday, Kari Lake reiterated her endorsement, expressing her excitement to continue fighting alongside Hamadeh in Washington, D.C. She commended Hamadeh, hailing him as a great Representative for CD8.

Hamadeh, a veteran and former prosecutor, has faced several legal battles in Arizona. He fought against the election fraudsters who allegedly stole his race for Arizona Attorney General by a margin of just 280 votes. His ongoing legal challenges emphasize his commitment to fair and transparent election processes.

In a recent statement, Hamadeh vowed to “continue the fight” for fair elections and his rightful seat as Attorney General while pursuing his candidacy for Congress. However, he expressed frustration with the legal system, stating, “If the judges followed the law, we would get a new trial and prove that we received the most votes. Unfortunately, our legal system lacks courage.”

Additionally, Kari Lake, who is also embroiled in her lawsuit to overturn the election for Governor, announced her Senate bid in 2024. The pair’s determination to combat election irregularities aligns with the rising concerns surrounding election integrity and fairness.

Despite facing immense pressure and persecution, the Republicans’ relentless pursuit of election transparency persists. A grand jury indicted Republican Cochise County Supervisors, Tom Crosby and Peggy Judd, on felony charges, citing interference with an election officer and conspiracy after they requested a hand count audit of the 2022 election to ensure accuracy.

Echoing the sentiments of their allies, President Trump lauded Hamadeh’s dedication to the country by serving overseas and emphasized his devotion to putting America first. He cited Hamadeh’s formidable qualities and unwavering commitment to critical issues, reinforcing his belief in Hamadeh as the ideal candidate to represent Arizona’s 8th District in Congress.


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