Republican Senator States Biden’s Actions Prior to Taking Office Do Not Warrant Impeachment

Senator Markwayne Mullin, a Republican from Oklahoma, boldly stated on Dec. 15 that President Joe Biden cannot be impeached for actions he took while serving as vice president. Mullin emphasized the importance of presenting an airtight case, one that is not rooted in political motives as was the case with former President Trump’s impeachment by Democrats. He stressed it must meet the high bar of constituting a misdemeanor, high crime, or treason, and the offense must have been committed while holding the current office.

The U.S. Constitution clearly states that the House can charge a president or other federal officer for “treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors”. If the House approves one or more charges, the Senate then decides whether to convict or acquit the charged official after holding a trial. Mullin’s position reflects the views of many others who believe that impeachment is only for offenses committed while in office as president.

The House recently approved an impeachment inquiry into President Biden led by Rep. James Comer, who accused Biden of lying, corruption, and obstruction. This comes after evidence was uncovered that undermined some of President Biden’s previous claims, including that he did not speak with his son’s business associates. However, President Biden dismissed the inquiry as a “baseless political stunt.”

Mullin is adamant that if an impeachable offense is presented to the Senate, they should convict President Biden regardless of political allegiances. He has even claimed to have spoken with moderate Democrats who would “definitely be looking to convict” if the case were strong. However, publicly, Democratic senators have criticized Republicans for investigating President Biden, labeling it a “sham impeachment” and a “waste of time” while there are more pressing priorities at hand.

The House’s decision to pursue an impeachment inquiry is met with skepticism, given the narrow majority Republicans hold in the House. Conviction, on the other hand, requires a supermajority, and with Democrats currently holding 51 Senate seats, the prospects of a successful impeachment seem uncertain.

The debate over a potential impeachment remains ongoing, with Democrats and Republicans clashing over the significance and validity of the evidence presented against President Biden. As the inquiry continues to unfold, the political landscape is fraught with tension and division as both sides grapple with the potential repercussions.


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