Researchers Predict that 2024 will Mark the Arrival of the ‘New Normal’ in AI Technology

Artificial intelligence is expected to become an integral part of our lives in the year 2024 as leaders at the CSIRO National Artificial Intelligence Centre foresee the arrival of a “new AI normal.” The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation is joining global leaders in predicting the widespread use of AI in the future. This prediction comes shortly after Bill Gates also stated that AI would accelerate discoveries in unprecedented ways.

As we aim for 2024, the National AI Centre (NAIC) deems it as the emergence of the “new AI normal.” According to Judy Slatyer, leader of the NAIC’s Responsible AI Scale Think Take, AI’s growing “normalisation” in homes, businesses, and global markets will be observed by the end of next year. She predicts that by the conclusion of 2024, many people will have an AI assistant, and millions will use advanced features of the technology. She states, “In 2024, hundreds of millions of people will be using the increasingly advanced features of AI in their everyday work and life.” Already, 54 percent of global consumers use AI daily, and this number is expected to significantly increase next year.

Furthermore, Ms. Slatyer anticipates heightened investor interest in AI for 2024. She noted a five-fold increase in the use of AI terms between July and August in the United States compared to the final quarter of 2024. However, she also stressed that AI systems would need to prove their value beyond just being innovative technologically to avoid AI simply becoming a fad.

Nonetheless, 2024 may also be a year when governments take action to regulate AI, as forecasted by the CSIRO. The surge in AI has seen global artificial intelligence company NVIDIA briefly reach a US$1 trillion valuation in 2023 due to the AI boom. Keith Strier, NVIDIA vice-president, predicts a shift to the formation of dedicated government bodies specifically focused on AI governance.

Kobi Leins, an AI ethics and governance head, anticipates an increase in litigation and technology adoption, leading to a sharper focus on governance. She adds that skepticism, guardrails, and accidents may also rise alongside rapid climate change and increasing awareness that technology cannot address all issues. Therefore, an inclusive approach must be taken regarding future decision-making processes.

In addition to these predictions, billionaire Bill Gates expects that “artificial intelligence is about to accelerate the rate of new discoveries at a pace we’ve never seen before.” In his latest edition of GatesNotes dated Dec. 19, he envisions widespread AI use across the United States and other developed countries within two years. Mr. Gates anticipates that AI will see comparable levels of use in African countries within three years. He also emphasizes the importance of considering the world his granddaughter will inherit and how AI can be used to improve access to education and mental health.

In conclusion, as we approach 2024, it is evident that AI is on the brink of becoming a regular part of daily life. With predictions of widespread AI assistant usage, increased investor interest, and potential government regulations, the impact of AI on society and governance is expected to be monumental. The anticipation of extensive AI use in the coming years requires a mindful and inclusive approach to shape the future of this transformative technology.


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