Review Calls for ‘Automatic Access’ to NDIS to be Scrapped

20220622001672071001 original min - The Japan Weeknd Magazine
An overhaul of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is required if Australians living with disability are to gain more choice and control over what services they receive, a landmark report has revealed.
Speaking at the National Press Club on Dec. 7, Disability Minister Bill Shorten said the NDIS Review—released on Dec. 7, and came with 26 recommendations and 139 actions—will achieve three objectives.
“One, put people with disability back at the centre of the NDIS; two, restore trust and confidence and pride in the NDIS; and three, ensure the sustainability of the scheme for future generations,” Mr. Shorten said.
According to the report (pdf), the NDIS needs to “return to the principle” that eligibility is based “first and foremost” on functional impairment rather than medical diagnosis….


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