Ronald Acuña Jr. and Bartolo Colon Cross Paths at All-MLB Event

Bartolo Colon and Ronald Acuña Jr Meet for the First Time

It was a moment that many baseball fans never expected to see – Bartolo Colon and Ronald Acuña Jr, two stars of the MLB, meeting in person for the first time. The unlikely meeting took place in the lobby of their Las Vegas hotel on Friday night, ahead of Saturday’s All-MLB Team show presented by MGM Rewards.

For years, the two players had only communicated through Instagram messages, but now, they finally had the chance to meet face to face. It was a thrilling experience for both of them, as they shared their excitement during the All-MLB pre-show festivities.

“I really did want to see Ronald and get to know him a little bit better,” Colon said, through an interpreter. “We’ve always messaged on Instagram, but this was the first time I’d actually seen him.”

Acuña also expressed his joy at finally meeting Colon in person, saying, “He’s obviously someone that I watched growing up. And to be able to have conversations with him and what he meant to the game. He showed me so much love, and I really appreciate that.”

The two players have a history of messaging each other on Instagram, with Acuña revealing that he was the one who initiated the DMs several years ago. Despite their frequent communication, Colon’s final season in 2018 coincided with Acuña’s rookie season, and they never had the opportunity to face each other on the field.

When asked how he would have pitched to Acuña, the 2023 National League MVP, Colon jokingly responded, “I would just throw it right down the middle, and hope.”

This unexpected meeting between Colon and Acuña highlights the unique relationships that are often formed within the MLB community. Despite the generation gap between the two players, their mutual respect and admiration for each other’s talent and contributions to the game were evident as they finally came face to face.

As they prepare to take the stage for the All-MLB Team show, presented by MGM Rewards, Colon and Acuña’s encounter serves as a reminder of the enduring connections that bring together baseball’s past and present stars. Their meeting in Las Vegas is not just a chance encounter, but a symbol of the camaraderie and mutual appreciation that exists within the MLB community.


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