Senator Cardin Faces Backlash After Staffer Fired in Gay Porn Scandal

The current gay sex scandal shaking the Capitol has revealed that for some Democrats, there is no such thing as “sacred.” Former Maryland Sen. Ben Cardin, the employer of the man involved in the sex tape recorded in a Senate hearing room, once referred to the U.S. Capitol as a “sacred space.” This scandal has brought his words back to haunt him.

A video has been posted by conservative social media activist Colin Rugg, showing Cardin comparing the Capitol incursion to the Pearl Harbor attack and the 9/11 terrorist attacks. This is ironic considering the scandalous video of a man engaging in sex acts in a Senate hearing room, which Cardin once described as a sacred space.

The man featured in the sex video has been identified as Aidan Maese-Czeropski, a former 24-year-old legislative aide in Cardin’s office. This has made the whole situation even more shocking.

Following the scandal, Cardin’s office released a statement indicating that Maese-Czeropski was no longer employed by the U.S. Senate and refused to comment further on the matter, despite Cardin’s previous lofty statements about the Capitol as a symbol of American ideals.

Social media users have called out the hypocrisy of Cardin’s previous statements and the lack of response from his office, highlighting the double standards of the left.

Cardin, who serves as the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, announced in May that he will not be running for re-election next year, as reported by The Associated Press. This means a man who has been in the Senate since 2007 and in the House for 20 years before that, has apparently had his fill of the “sacred space” that was desecrated by one of his own staffers.

The fact that the sex act took place in a Senate hearing room shows a level of disrespect and indecency that is hard to ignore. It’s clear that certain Democrats have abandoned any pretense of decency.

This scandal serves as a reminder that for a rapidly growing group of Democrats in the 21st century, there really is nothing sacred. It’s long past time that Americans had their fill of Democratic hypocrisy.

The article originally appeared on The Western Journal.


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