Take Home the Top Deal

Negotiating prices for your essential home services just got a whole lot easier. Sure, you haggled for the price of your house, but why stop there? According to experts, you can also negotiate home services, repairs, and even appliances. Here’s how to do it.

According to Ben Kurland of Experian Consumer Services, the first step in negotiating your TV and internet bills is to gather prices from several different cable and internet providers. You can easily compare internet prices using BroadbandNow.com. Once you have a few quotes in hand, take note of the key points you want to discuss with your provider. This will help you stay focused and organized during your negotiations.

When it comes time to speak with customer service representatives, they will likely have a script to follow. But don’t worry—you can do the same. By having your talking points prepared and at the ready, you can effectively steer the conversation in your favor.

Home Repairs and Services
Roof starting to leak? Furnace on the fritz? Before you agree to any repairs, it’s worth trying to negotiate the cost. Start by getting multiple estimates from different contractors. Use these estimates to your advantage when discussing the repair with the contractor you prefer. In many cases, they may be willing to match or beat the lowest price you’ve received.

Negotiating the price of a new appliance is easier than you might think. Whenever possible, try to purchase your appliances from a local or small business. These businesses may be more willing to negotiate on price or throw in a complimentary service plan.

If you’re purchasing from a larger retailer, don’t be afraid to negotiate. Ask if there are any upcoming sales or if they can offer a discount on floor models. You might be pleasantly surprised by what they’re willing to do to earn your business.

Home Security Systems
Many home security companies are open to negotiation, especially if you are a long-time customer. Start by finding out what other companies in the area are offering for similar services. Use this information as leverage when discussing your current rate with your provider.
Remember, the key to successful negotiation is being prepared. Do your research, come armed with data, and be prepared to walk away if the deal isn’t right. With these tips in mind, you’ll be well on your way to saving money on your essential home services. Happy negotiating!


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