The Sumo Scene / Takerufuji Celebrates Victory with Parade in Hometown

In the sport of sumo wrestling, victory parades are a coveted tradition for all of its championship winners. Receiving not only the prestigious Emperor’s Cup, but also the chance to ride in an open-top car with a flag-bearer by their side, is a momentous occasion for these athletes. The parade is arranged as a way to bring the champion to the masses, ensuring that even those unable to attend the tournament can join in on the celebration. As the champion rounds the vicinity of the Ryogoku Kokugikan or regional tournament venues, adoring fans line the streets to catch a glimpse of their hero and express their pride in his victory. Throughout Japan, sumo wrestling is a beloved and respected sport, and the championship victory parade is a significant part of its culture. These parades not only give athletes the chance to show off their accomplishments, but it also presents a chance for fans to come together and share in the excitement of the victory. For those who may have missed out on seeing their favorite wrestler compete during the tournament, the parade presents a unique opportunity to view the champion up close and personal, basking in their success alongside thousands of others. For the wrestlers themselves, being selected to participate in a victory parade is a deeply personal and meaningful experience. With the flag-bearer at their side, they make their way through the streets amid the cheers of the crowds, feeling the weight of not just their individual achievement, but also their representation of the sport and its traditions. It’s a chance for them to shine in the spotlight and proudly represent their accomplishments, while also recognizing that the support of their fans is a vital part of their success. Though COVID-19 has brought about a time of uncertainty for sports around the world, the tradition of sumo wrestling victory parades remains steadfast. While many parades were initially canceled due to COVID-19 restrictions, several have been rescheduled in recent months, much to the delight of fans and athletes alike. The resilience of the sport and its culture is a testament to the deep-rooted traditions and strong sense of community that sumo wrestling represents. In the end, the sumo wrestling victory parade is more than just a celebration of one athlete’s triumph – it’s a celebration of the sport as a whole, and the community that supports it. Whether watching from the sidelines or participating as a wrestler or flag-bearer, everyone involved in the parade is united in their love of sumo wrestling and their appreciation for the traditions that make it so special. And while the COVID-19 pandemic may have created chaos and uncertainty in the world of sports, the sumo wrestling victory parade serves as a reassuring reminder that some things will always remain unchanged

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