Trump Feels Confident in Winning a Democratic Stronghold

Former U.S. President Donald Trump made a headline appearance at the New York Young Republican Club’s Annual Gala on Saturday, where he expressed his gratitude for being one of the first organizations to endorse his potential 2024 run for president. He shared his optimism about winning not only New York, but also the entire election, citing the unprecedented financial support from everyday Americans.

Trump contrasted his campaign with the policies of the current Biden administration, touting his record on foreign policy and his plans for ending wars in Ukraine and Israel without deploying American soldiers. He also promised to reinstate travel bans and implement ideological screening in the immigration process to keep out anyone who sympathizes with jihadists.

He criticized President Biden’s economic and energy agendas, and promised to fight for young Americans like no other president has ever done, while also mocking his political opponent’s fear of “MAGA extremists.”

In addition, Trump took aim at the establishment media, accusing them of waging an “all-out war on American democracy” through “hoax, witch hunt, and abuse of power” narratives that painted him as a threat to democracy, while he views himself as a savior of democracy.

The event featured speakers such as Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) and Sen. Roger Marshall (R-Kans.), as well as former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, who is currently President Trump’s codefendant in a racketeering case related to interfering with the 2020 election in Georgia.

President Trump currently faces a total of 91 criminal charges in four separate jurisdictions, along with numerous civil lawsuits. He is on trial for fraud in New York, where he announced that he would not testify before the defense rests its case the following week. The New York Supreme Court has found him guilty and ordered the dissolution of his holding companies, a decision currently under appeal.

Despite the legal challenges, Trump remains confident in his chances, recalling a similar lack of confidence from advisors in 2016. He ultimately sought Bannon’s advice, who told him he would win “100 percent.”

Determined to defy the odds once more, Trump declared, “So we’re going to give it a shot. I’ll tell you what, I’ve never seen enthusiasm like I’m seeing right now.”


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