Trump Offers Fourth Presidential Debate, But Biden Campaign Declines: June 27 CNN Debate and September 10 ABC News Debate Agreed Upon

President Donald Trump has called for an additional debate with Democratic rival Joe Biden. The proposed debate would be hosted by NBC and Telemundo, but the Biden campaign has declined the offer. Trump has been pushing for more debates as he seeks to oust the incumbent from the White House in November. So far, two presidential debates have been agreed upon, hosted by CNN and ABC News. Trump’s campaign has accepted Fox News’ offer to host the vice presidential debate in Virginia, but the Biden campaign has not yet taken a stance on the proposal.

The Commission on Presidential Debates, which organizes the events, has stated that the first debate will take place on September 16, after many Americans have already cast their ballots. While North Carolina and Pennsylvania begin early voting regimes before that time, the commission argued that every other state begins after September 16. However, both Trump and Biden have turned their backs on the CPD, choosing instead to hold the first televised debate on June 27.

CNN will host the debate at its Atlanta studios, with no audience present. CNN anchors Jake Tapper and Dana Bash will serve as moderators. The Trump campaign has called for additional debates, suggesting one per month from June through September, in addition to the vice presidential debate. The campaign believes that American voters deserve more opportunities to hear from the candidates, particularly in light of current national issues.

The Biden campaign has suggested that the debate about debates is now over. The candidate’s press secretary stated that Biden had accepted the challenge. She added, “No more chaos, no more debate about debates. We’ll see Donald Trump on June 27th in Atlanta – if he shows up.”

The election campaign is now in full swing, and both sides are making extensive use of digital platforms. Trump has recently announced the launch of his social media platform, which will give him a direct line of communication to his supporters. Meanwhile, Biden is focusing on courting younger voters by appearing on popular YouTube shows. It’s unclear how much impact the presidential debates will have on the outcome of the election, particularly given that they will take place after many Americans have already voted. Nevertheless, they remain a key part of the democratic process and an opportunity for both candidates to directly address the concerns of the American people


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