Tucker Carlson addresses speculation about potential vice presidential role in Trump administration

In a recent public appearance, Tucker Carlson addressed the growing speculation about his potential candidacy for the Vice President position alongside former President Donald Trump. At the American Principles Project Foundation’s annual Christmas gala, Carlson discussed his Christian faith and the state of the country. However, when asked about the VP reports, he responded by saying, “God would have to yell at me very loud,” indicating his hesitancy about transitioning from a private citizen to a politician.

Despite his hesitation, the audience erupted in cheers when Carlson left the door open, showing their support for a possible Carlson-Trump ticket in the 2024 election. However, Carlson also expressed his skepticism about accepting the VP position, stating the difficulty in envisioning a transition from a well-paid private citizen to a politician. Additionally, he mentioned not knowing Melania Trump, his most prominent advocate for the VP slot, very well and acknowledged the potential challenges of joining forces to create the ultimate MAGA team.

It’s understandable that Carlson is hesitant about accepting the VP slot, as it would mean bypassing potentially millions of dollars and ceding some of his influence. However, history has shown that there have been political figures who initially expressed skepticism about becoming VP before ultimately accepting the position. A prominent example is current President Joe Biden, who was initially hesitant about accepting then-Senator Barack Obama’s offer to join forces in 2008 before relenting.

Former President Donald Trump has previously expressed his admiration for Carlson, stating, “I like Tucker A LOT. He’s got great common sense.” The ultimate decision on who will become Trump’s running mate will be made by Trump alone, and if Tucker receives that phone call, his response will be one of the most anticipated moments in modern American political history.


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