Unintentional Reveal: Google Shares 36 Percent of Search Engine Revenue From Safari Browser With Apple

2021 11 16T111250Z 1 LYNXMPEHAF0GU RTROPTP 4 GOOGLE APPLE - The Japan Weeknd Magazine
Google shares more than a third of its revenue generated via the Safari browser with Apple as part of a deal that makes Google the default search engine on the browser.
Since 2002, both Google and Apple have maintained an agreement according to which Google is set as the default search engine on Apple’s Safari. The exact details of the revenue-sharing agreement have largely remained confidential. On Monday, Kevin Murphy, a University of Chicago professor and the main economics expert at Google owner Alphabet Inc., spilled the secret.
He claimed that Google pays Apple 36 percent of the revenue it makes through search advertising via Safari, according to Bloomberg. The revelation was made while Mr. Murphy was testifying in Google’s defense at an antitrust trial in Washington….


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