US Conducts Military Drills with Guyanese Armed Forces Amid Heightened Threat of Invasion from Venezuela

The world is currently experiencing a record high of 55 military conflicts, since World War II. The western hemisphere is also on high alert for the possibility of war.

Not very well-known, Guyana, a former British and Dutch colony, is situated on the northeastern coast of South America, just eight degrees across the equator line in the Northern Hemisphere.

Read: Powder Keg America: Socialist Dictator Maduro Orders Venezuelan Companies To Start Prospecting Oil and Gas in the Disputed Waters of Guyana

The socialist-run Venezuela is in a dispute with Guyana over the Essequibo region, which Guyana claims was determined by an international arbitration panel in 1899.

Venezuela claims that the Essequibo River to the region’s east forms the natural border of the region, going back as far as 1777.

Tensions flared in 2015 when large oil reserves were discovered in the region’s territorial waters.

CBS News reported:

“The United States announced joint military flight drills in Guyana on Thursday as tensions over a contested oil-rich region with neighbor Venezuela prompted the U.N. Security Council to call an urgent meeting.”

The situation escalated after Venezuela conducted a referendum aiming to gain authority over the Essequibo region.

Guyanese troops are preparing to defend its borders in the event of an invasion.

The US-led military exercises show that Washington is alarmed by the threat from the socialist Venezuelan dictatorship of Nicolás Maduro.

The U.S. Embassy in Guyana stated, “The U.S. will continue its commitment as Guyana’s trusted security partner and promoting regional cooperation and interoperability.”

Guyana’s president, Irfaan Ali, is preparing military assets and readying itself for ‘the worst case scenario’, while hoping it does not come to that.

“‘Our first line of defense is diplomacy,’ Ali told CBS News, adding that Guyana has reached out to leaders abroad, including in the U.S., India and Cuba, hoping that ‘they can encourage Venezuela to do what is right, and ensure that they do not act in a reckless or adventurous manner that could disrupt the peace within this zone’.

The U.S. also called for peaceful diplomacy this week, with State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller saying in a statement, ‘We would urge Venezuela and Guyana to continue to seek a peaceful resolution of their dispute. This is not something that will be settled by a referendum’.”

Read: Guyana on High Alert Against Maduro’s Invasion Threat – Referendum’s Turnout Is Said To Have Been Very Low – Venezuelan Voters Also Allegedly Rejected Arbitration by International Court

“U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken, in a phone call Wednesday with Guyanese President Ali, reaffirmed the United States’ ‘unwavering support for Guyana’s sovereignty’ and called for a peaceful resolution.”

On Wednesday, a Guyanese army helicopter with seven people on board was reported missing near the border, but there was ‘no information to suggest’ that Venezuela had been involved.

Venezuela also confirmed the arrest, back in October, of an American citizen — Savoi Jadon Wright — accused of conspiring with oil giant ExxonMobil to stop the referendum.

The other regional player to watch in this crisis is, of course, Brazil, neighbor to both countries.

Reuters reported:

“Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva on Saturday expressed to his Venezuelan counterpart Nicolas Maduro growing concern over a territorial dispute between Venezuela and Guyana, Brazil’s presidential palace said in a statement.

In a phone call from Maduro to Lula, the Brazilian president called for dialogue, stating that it was important to avoid unilateral measures that could escalate the situation.

Lula also suggested that the pro tempore president of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) — Ralph Gonsalves, prime minister of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines — should address the issue.”

Read more:

BRINK OF WAR: Dictator Maduro Declares Oil-Rich Esequibo Region Part of Venezuela, Appoints Military Authority for the Area – Guyana Loses Troops in Helicopter Crash


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