Winter Plant Care: How to Keep Your Plants Alive

It’s a tricky business looking after plants, especially when it comes to transferring them from harsh outdoor conditions to the warmth of your home. As the temperature continues to drop, it’s time to bring tropical and outdoor plants indoors. But after the move, you’ll need to help your green friends acclimate to their new environment.

Experts advise transitioning your plants indoors before the temperature drops below 45 degrees F at night. However, you’ll want to start the move even earlier if you’re dealing with a tropical species like a lemon tree or passion flower, as they prefer indoor temperatures to remain above 50 degrees F at night.

Now, the transition indoors can take a bit of preparation. You should have a specific area where your plants will thrive in your home. Consider lighting, temperature, and humidity. For optimum growth, you could use growing light that simulates natural sunlight with a timer. This will ensure your plants receive the necessary light for about 16 hours a day.

It’s crucial to maintain the right temperature and humidity for your plants. If you have heaters and fireplaces in your home, the air might dry out, and most plants like some humidity. How about placing them in your bathroom or adding a cool humidifier? This could work wonders for your green allies.

Be mindful that plants don’t transition well suddenly. They are accustomed to specific conditions of light, humidity, and temperature, and switching these suddenly can shock them. You should gradually acclimate the plants inside by introducing them gradually or moving them to a shady area before bringing them inside.

Our tips don’t stop there. Your plants might be giving a home to an unsuspecting population of bugs, and it’s crucial to get rid of them. A mild soap and water solution should do the trick of getting rid of the bugs without using pesticides. Just soak the plant in water mixed with a drop of mild soap for about 15 minutes.

Then comes the tricky business of watering. In colder months, less is more. Potted plants need less water during the winter. You’ll want to water them only when the soil is dry to the touch. Overwatering, particularly, can be damaging. Succulents, in particular, are fine without water for quite some time, so don’t rush to water them if it’s been several days since the soil was last dry.

We hope our tips are helpful to you in transitioning your plants indoors, and your plants thrive throughout the winter months.


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