Banks Flagged Joe Biden’s Home Address with ‘Suspicious Activity’ Reports 6 Times

Republican Senator Ron Johnson revealed on Thursday that multiple banks have reported suspicious financial activity at President Joe Biden’s residence in Wilmington, Delaware. According to Johnson, banks filed at least six Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs), flagging approximately $12 million in transactions over several years. However, Johnson later clarified that the $12 million figure was an estimate and might involve some double counting.

The SARs were related to Hunter Biden’s international business dealings and raised concerns about potential criminal activity such as money laundering or human trafficking. Johnson, who serves as the senior Republican on the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, stated that the SARs flagged Joe Biden’s Delaware address, where his son stayed, and through which some of the flagged money reportedly flowed.

Although Johnson did not have direct evidence that President Biden was aware of his son’s business dealings, he claimed it had to have been obvious given the significant amount of activity associated with Hunter Biden’s businesses. Johnson emphasized that the Biden family’s corruption and compromised status have been apparent for a long time.

Hours before Hunter Biden was indicted in California for tax evasion, Johnson argued that substantial foreign payments to Biden family members would inevitably influence the president’s decision-making. Following a two-year investigation into the Biden family, Johnson and Sen. Chuck Grassley concluded in 2020 that the family was compromised from a national security perspective, and that President Biden fully benefited from it.

The concerns raised by Johnson underscore the need for proper investigation and government attention regarding SARs and similar red flags related to the Biden family’s financial activities. He expressed worries that Hunter Biden had dozens of Treasury reports highlighting suspicious activities in terms of money transfers, which, according to Johnson, confirmed the criminal and corrupt nature of the Biden family.

The U.K.’s Daily Mail had previously reported on SARs indicating payments from Hunter Biden’s companies to what it called a “suspected Eastern European prostitution ring.”

Johnson’s comments during the interview, on top of the recent indictment of Hunter Biden, call into question the Biden family’s business practices and raise concerns about their potential impact on decision-making at the highest levels of government.

In conclusion, the interview with Sen. Ron Johnson has shed light on the ongoing concerns surrounding the financial activities of the Biden family and the potential influence on President Joe Biden’s decision-making. These revelations come in the wake of new developments in the investigation, providing further grounds for scrutiny and consideration from the authorities.


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