Democrats Seek to Influence Republican Candidate Choice for 2024, Drawing Comparison to Communist China

The recent decision by Democrats in Colorado has sparked concerns as it reflects actions similar to those taken by the Communist government in China. Much like China, where the ruling party decides which candidates can run for office, the Colorado Supreme Court ruled that President Trump could not run for the presidency in 2024 and would not be allowed on the ballot. This decision has been deemed unconstitutional, and one of Colorado’s Supreme Court Justices, Carlos Samour, expressed dissent, stating that the decision goes against the due process doctrine that is a fundamental aspect of America’s democracy. He also compared the ruling to actions that only occur in Communist China, highlighting the seriousness of this issue.

The parallels between Colorado’s recent decision and the actions of the Chinese government in Hong Kong are striking. China’s interference in the election process in Hong Kong, particularly in vetting and approving candidates for the chief executive position, has been a cause for concern. The recent endorsement of John Lee as Hong Kong’s next chief executive by an election committee that is influenced by Chinese officials further underscores China’s efforts to tighten its grip on the city. This process has been criticized as a “farce” by Benedict Rogers, a British co-founder and CEO of the non-governmental organization Hong Kong Watch, who highlighted the lack of genuine contest in the election.

The situation in Hong Kong has been a topic of international concern, with the United States taking a stand against China’s repressive actions in the city. The implementation of a new national security law by China in 2020, aimed at dealing with what it perceived as subversive activities in Hong Kong, led to strong reactions from the United States, with then-Secretary of State Mike Pompeo declaring that the US would treat Hong Kong as “one country, one system” and take punitive measures against those suppressing freedom in the city.

Despite the assurance given by China when Hong Kong was handed over by Great Britain in 1997, the Chinese government has steadily increased its influence in the city’s affairs, leading to escalating tensions and concerns about the erosion of freedoms and autonomy in Hong Kong.

It is against this backdrop that the recent decision by Democrats in Colorado to effectively block President Trump from the 2024 ballot has drawn comparisons to the actions of the Chinese government in Hong Kong. The concern is that such interference in the electoral process sets a dangerous precedent and undermines the principles of democracy that are integral to the American political system. The dissenting voice of Colorado’s Supreme Court Justice further emphasizes the seriousness of the situation and the need to uphold due process and democratic norms.


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