Louisiana Bill Authorizing Physical Castration for Sex Offenders Heads to Governor’s Desk

A proposed bill that seeks to mandate surgical castration for those convicted of rape has advanced in the Louisiana legislature, and it is now awaiting the signature or veto of Republican Governor Jeff Landry. The bill, which was passed 74-24 in the House and 29-9 in the Senate, states that the procedure shall only be performed if a court-appointed medical expert deems the defendant suitable for surgery within 60 days of sentencing. The offender would be subject to the procedure one week prior to the end of their incarceration or confinement, and the Department of Public Safety and Corrections would oversee the process. The bill also grants a judge discretion to order physical castration for individuals convicted of a sex offense involving a victim aged 13 or younger. The legislation is an expansion of the previous law, which authorized chemical castration as a means of treatment for sex offenders. Glenn Sullivan, a 54-year-old who pleaded guilty to four counts of second-degree rap

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