Prime Minister Kishida’s Disapproval Rate Surges to 50% – Concerns Over Policy Issues and Leadership

The latest Kyodo News poll reveals a significant shift in public sentiment towards Prime Minister Fumio Kishida’s Cabinet, with his disapproval rating reaching a notable 50%, marking the first time this threshold has been crossed since December. At the same time, the approval rating stands at a low 33.6%. These numbers underscore the mounting apprehensions among the population regarding crucial policy matters and leadership effectiveness.

One of the foremost concerns affecting Kishida’s standing is the national identification card system. A staggering 79.8% of respondents express a lack of confidence in his leadership’s ability to address anxieties stemming from the My Number identification card system. This initiative has been plagued by multiple personal information leaks and registration errors over the past few months, eroding public trust in its execution.

In a bid to streamline services, a plan to integrate health insurance certificates with My Number cards is met with strong resistance. An overwhelming 77% of those surveyed call for a delay or complete cancellation of the plan. This sentiment remains nearly unchanged from the previous poll, suggesting persistent public unease with the proposal.

Another issue resonating deeply with the public is the government’s intention to release treated radioactive water from the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power complex into the sea. A staggering 88.1% express concerns about potential economic repercussions arising from this decision. Fishermen, in particular, are apprehensive about the impact on their livelihoods, while China’s strong opposition adds another layer of complexity to the situation.

The government’s explanation surrounding the radioactive water release is met with skepticism. Only 15% of respondents find the explanation “sufficient,” while a significant 81.9% believe it to be “insufficient.” In terms of the release itself, opinions are divided: 29.6% support the move, 25.7% oppose it, and 43.8% remain uncertain about their stance.

As the weight of inflation continues to bear down on households, a notable 75.3% of respondents advocate for the extension of subsidies beyond the planned end of September. This reflects the populace’s desire for measures to mitigate the impact of rising gasoline prices on their financial well-being.

Amid these policy concerns, public enthusiasm for the government’s efforts to reverse the declining birthrate through increased child care spending remains muted. A significant 69.2% of respondents either hold “no expectations” or “do not expect much” from this initiative, underscoring a lack of confidence in its effectiveness.

In terms of political party favorability, the ruling Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) maintains a support rate of 35.8%. Following closely behind, 11.4% of respondents express a preference for the opposition Nippon Ishin no Kai, while 8.7% lean towards the main opposition Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan. The LDP’s coalition partner, Komeito, secures 3.6% of support.

Methodologically, the survey reached out to a diverse group of participants. It included 467 randomly selected households with eligible voters via landline phones and 2,369 mobile phone numbers. The results, drawn from 425 households and 624 mobile phone users, collectively offer insights into the shifting sentiments of the population.

In conclusion, Prime Minister Kishida’s Cabinet faces a pivotal moment as his disapproval rating crosses the 50% mark for the first time since December. Lingering concerns over policy decisions, leadership effectiveness, and public welfare contribute to this shift in sentiment. As the government grapples with these challenges, it remains to be seen how it will address the multifaceted issues that are impacting public opinion and trust.

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